Unbelievably her enormous boobs, which weigh a staggering 65lbs each and are over four and a half foot in length, are still growing.
Annie began developing breasts at the age of five, and by nine they were a size 36D.
“Finally I was diagnosed with of gigantomastia, a condition that involves slow, progressive growth of breast tissue which is why my breasts continue to grow even today.”
Annie was dubbed “whale boob girl” by her peers and feared boys only wanted to date her because of her large chest.
“To my shock I discovered Alan loved big women and thought my breasts were magnificent,” she said.
“Despite the age gap we got on really well. He boosted my confidence continually told me I was beautiful and accepted me and my kids.”
“He encouraged me to send in some pictures to a specialist magazine a year after we met and I was inundated with requests,” she said.
“It was a magazine that featured white women and I was featured, breaking, I guess, another record.”
Within months she had over a million subscribers and made £40,000 in her first year.
Annie credit’s her success to Allen and says without him she would not have achieved the career she has.
Doctors have advised Annie, who is a size 22 and 5ft 6in tall, to have a breast reduction but she has refused.
“I don’t want to mess with nature. As my breasts grew the muscles in my back developed and supported them,” she said.
She cannot sleep on her back because the weight of assets could crush her, has to have sex on her side and has never breast fed her children – Darius and Clara – in case she smothers them.
But she feels these inconveniences do not matter because her boobs have earned her over a million pounds.
Annie says her children are proud but sometime get “angry” when fans ogle her.
She is now marking 25 years of being a ‘boob-preneur’ by launching a global model search for other women with super-sized real natural breasts.
“I’m encouraging women of all ages and shapes from the U.K, Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA to send me photo and resumes if they’re interested in glamour modelling career like me,” she said.
Annie, who dresses in stretchy dresses and has given up wearing bras, will be headlining shows in Las Vegas at the end of July and is taking part in the International BBW Convention where she will sign autographs and hold seminars.
“Fans chase me and when I do appearances I find myself surrounded by men and women,” she said.
“I first realised I needed security after an appearance at a nightclub three years ago when I was literally mobbed. I was completely overwhelmed.”
She said: “I may have the world’s largest breasts, I may glamour model, I may show them off but all I ask is people respect my personal space."
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